Patent Drawing

Patent Drawings

The applicant for a patent is required to furnish a set of patent illustrations of a new invention. This is true for objects of manufacture as well as processes and plants. The drawings must show every feature of the invention specified in the claims. The patent drawings are required to be in a special form. Patent illustrations are printed and published in a uniform style in the official record. The drawings must be such that they can be readily understood by persons using the patent descriptions.

The requirements relating to drawings are strictly enforced. Patent applicants are advised to employ competent patent illustrators to make their drawings. USPTOs Examiners review all originally filed drawings. Additionally, patent Examiners will review the draftings for compliance with the regulations. The Examiner can routinely find over fifty common mistakes made by none professionals, leading to an objection to the drawings. This is why it is a good idea to hire a professional, skilled in the art. More facts to help you prepare informal drawings.